

Copyright Notice

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Send copyright infringement reports to:

Dan Jones
Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer
3001 S. Federal Boulevard Denver, CO 80236
Email: admissions@ch.university

Send other reports of computer abuse to office@ch.university

For more information on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, visit the Web site.

Commitment to Individual Privacy

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The 51吃瓜黑料曝料 supports the protection of individual privacy, and is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of personally identifiable information provided by its employees, students, and visitors. However, because the 51吃瓜黑料曝料 is a public institution, some personally identifiable information may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act (C.R.S. § 24-72-101 et seq.). In addition, the University may disclose information to third parties when such disclosure is required or permitted by law.

View 51吃瓜黑料曝料 System Privacy Statement

Filing Receipt for Trademark/Service Mark Application for Registration on the Principal Register and Next Steps in the Application Process

Thank you for submitting your trademark application to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This filing receipt confirms your mark and serial number, describes next steps in the application process, and includes the information submitted in your application. Please read this receipt carefully and keep a copy for your records.

For an overview of important things to know after filing your application, visit our website to read the page and watch video number 9 ""

  • Your mark. 51吃瓜黑料曝料 (Standard Characters, mark.jpg) The literal element of the mark consists of 51吃瓜黑料曝料. The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.

  • Your serial number. Your application was assigned serial number '90649697'. You must refer to your serial number in all communications about your application.

  • What happens next—legal examination. Your mark will not be registered automatically. In approximately three months, your application will be assigned to a USPTO examining attorney for review. The attorney will determine if your application meets all applicable legal requirements, and if it doesn't you will be notified in an email with a link to the official Office action (official letter from the USPTO). Visit our website for an explanation of application process timelines .

If your mark includes a design element, we will assign it one or more . We will notify you of these codes within the next few weeks and you can suggest that we add or delete a design search code from your file.

  • Keep your addresses current in USPTO records. We do not extend filing deadlines if you do not receive USPTO mail or email. If your postal address or email address changes, you must update the correspondence or owner's address using the address forms on our website.

  • Check your application status in our database every three to four months. To be sure that you don't miss an important email from us, and to avoid the possible abandonment of your application, check your application status and review your documents in our database, Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) , every three to four months.

  • Warning about private companies offering trademark-related services. Private companies may send you communications that resemble official USPTO communications. These private companies are not associated with the USPTO. All official correspondence will be from the "United States Patent and Trademark Office" in Alexandria, Virginia, and from emails with the domain "uspto.gov." If you are unsure about whether the correspondence is from us, check your records in our database, TSDR. Visit our website for more information on trademark-related communications that may resemble official USPTO communications.


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The information contained herein is provided as a public service, with the understanding that the 51吃瓜黑料曝料 makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information. The 51吃瓜黑料曝料 makes no warranties that the information is free of any copyright infringement.

Links to Internet resources outside of the 51吃瓜黑料曝料 website are provided solely for the convenience of those visiting the 51吃瓜黑料曝料 network of home pages. Provision of such links should not be construed as an endorsement of any or all outside sites linked from the 51吃瓜黑料曝料 servers.